QUQU Commission Sheet
by purchasing my service you automatically accept my terms of service and are obligated to follow them

Payment: 50% upfront, 50% for completion.
Trunaround: 2-4 weeks, depending on complexity. Rush fee negotiable.

Payment: 50% upfront, 50% for completion.
Trunaround: 1-4 weeks, depending on complexity. Rush fee negotiable.

Payment: 100% upfront.
Trunaround: 1 week, usually faster.

Payment: Initial fee upfront; Animation price 50% upfront, 50% for completion.
Trunaround: Depending on scope.
Check out my animation portfolio for more examples:
Please copy the form and send your filled out request to [email protected]
Request form:Name:
Comm Type: (Illustration, Sketch etc.)
Contact info: (Your preferred way of communication, Discord, Twiter etc)
Payment: (Your paypal email)
Usage:I own all the rights to the art I create and may use it for promotional purposes.
Normal commissions are for personal use only (personal accounts profile pics, header, etc.), do not re-sell the art, sell merchandise of it or use for promotion unless you purchased a commercial licence.
You may re-post the art with proper credit given.Commercial licence will be +100% of normal price and will accquire shared rights. This allows you to reproduce and sell the art as well as using it for promotional and other commercial purposes. Credit to the artist still needs to be given and I still own the rights to use the art in the same way.Extended contracts and NDA‘s are negotiable.
Service and Payment:You are purchasing my service to draw and a digital file.References for your character are required unless you're purchasing concept art. If no reference is given for Illustration or sketch commissions, a design fee (50% of base price) will be applied.I reserve the right to decline any commission request for work that I'm uncomfortable with or see unfit.Illustrations will be in my style, I will not try and reproduce someone else's style.The turnaround for each commission type are general approximates. A more specific completion date will be given upon commissioning. I will inform you about any potential delays. Faster delivery is negotiable but may require a rush fee.Little changes like early color adjustments are usually free of cost, however bigger changes or detail changes will come with additional costs. The exception to this is if I made an error to something you provided obvious information on earlier in the process.Initial payment is non-refundable! The only exception to this rule is if I haven‘t started working on the commission yet. After the commission is completed, no refunds can be given.I'm currently only accepting Paypal.